Los Angeles Rams

Los Angeles Rams

Saturday, February 13, 2021

MIAC Women's Hoops Season Currently In Limbo

 As you probably already have seen, all MIAC women's basketball games that were scheduled for today (Saturday 2-13) were all postponed due to various COVID-19 issues that are currently lingering in the conference on both the men's and women's side.  I certainly don't profess to be "in the know" about everything that is going on but from the discussions I have had with some coaches and others that are reasonably good sources, I'm not terribly optimistic about the rest of this truncated season.  I won't say with an absolute certainty that the MIAC will take a knife to most (if not all) winter sports but given the relatively short window that these teams have to work with, it's hard for me to envision getting this mess straightened out.  Again, I don't know what's going to happen for sure, but I'm just not optimistic at this point.  As soon as I do hear something, I will certainly be on here with the latest.  Right now, the next slated game is this next Wednesday (2-17) when CSB visits Augsburg.  Stay tuned....

With that in mind, my amended plan (at least for right now) is to get back onto the NSIC Women's Basketball front as much as I can unless things improve dramatically on the MIAC Women's Basketball front.  When you're balancing work with trying to get some indoor tennis practice and workouts in as well, it's not easy (especially when you've been pounding on the hard courts since the freaking Ford Administration like I have and you feel like you're 100 when you get back home :p ).  But I at least want to get one or two game recaps in during the week plus a rundown in scores which I've been a bit lazy at as of late.  


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